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Cummins Mobile Medical Clinics: At-Home Medication Services for People with Severe Mental Illnesses

Although it may not always seem so, mental illness is very common in the United States. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, nearly 20% of …
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Women’s Mental Health Awareness: Dr. Corinne Young on How to Provide Effective Behavioral Health Care for Women

For much of history, the mental health struggles and needs of women have been misunderstood. In ancient Egypt and Greece, medical professionals believed that behavioral abnormalities in women …
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National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2020: Keeping Children Safe in the Age of “Social Distancing”

“The true character of a society is revealed in how it treats its children.” — Nelson MandelaWe have long known the harmful effects that childhood abuse or …
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Addiction Treatment for Teens: Introducing Adolescent IOT with Madelin Biddle and Katherine Richards

Despite the efforts of dedicated health care professionals and organizations, substance use continues to be a major behavioral health issue for millions of people across the U.S. According …
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Teletherapy for Kids: How to Work with Young Children during Virtual Behavioral Health Sessions

Working with children in a behavioral health setting can be challenging. Care providers may have difficulty keeping young children focused, communicative and engaged in the session even when …
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Teletherapy Tips: Best Practices for Engaging Behavioral Health Consumers over Phone and Video

The COVID-19 crisis has led to a paradigm shift in the way behavioral health care is provided. With in-office visits now inadvisable, care providers have begun to adopt …
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Observing Alcohol Awareness Month with Cummins’ Erin Flick and Virtual IOT

Have you ever wondered how long it takes to form a new habit? While the process varies from person to person, one influential study found that it takes …
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Explaining Telehealth: How It Works and What to Expect During a Virtual Behavioral Health Session

Telehealth, the practice of conducting health care via telephone, video or other means of communication technology, has been slowly growing in popularity and practicality over the past several …
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COVID-19 and the Diathesis-Stress Model: How to Relieve Stress under Extraordinary Circumstances

Everyone experiences periods of increased stress in their life. These may be mild and recurrent, such as the stress involved in working or raising children, or they may …
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Cummins Behavioral Health’s Response to COVID-19

The rapid worldwide spread of the COVID-19 disease, also known as the coronavirus disease, has created a public health crisis the likes of which have not been seen …
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Observing Self-Harm Awareness Month: Cummins CCO Robb Enlow on 13 Myths and Misconceptions of Suicide

“Suicide is a solitary event, and yet it often has far-reaching repercussions for many others. It is rather like throwing a stone into a pond; the ripples spread …
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Trauma-Informed Care: What It Means and How It Can Be Implemented in Behavioral Health

“Trauma leaves ‘fingerprints’ on the victim. These don’t fade when the bruises do.” — Dr. Ellen Taliaferro, physician and author specializing in domestic violence and abuseViolent events—whether …
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