Introducing our "Balanced Minds" Intensive Outpatient Treatment for Adolescents (A-IOT)

"Balanced Minds" is an A-IOT group designed to assist our youth ages 12–17 who may need more intensive support in the outpatient setting. The group meets on a virtual platform from 5pm–8pm, three days each week, for a duration of 6 weeks.
During group, adolescents will engage in group therapy that helps to promote recovery, develop resiliency, increase positive coping skills, and develop healthy relationships.
The benefits of virtual IOT include but are not limited to:
- Adolescents who need more intensive support can interact with others across counties in Indiana
- Adolescents can receive the needed intensive treatment while not disrupting school attendance
- Treatment can be completed in the comfort of the adolescent's own home.
A-IOT is also a great option for adolescents who may need a step-down program coming out of residential treatment or inpatient treatment, or for those who may be at a higher risk of returning or entering into inpatient or residential care.
What Is the Purpose of A-IOT?
Balanced Minds is a supportive and educational group for individuals working toward mental health and wellness. This group is especially helpful for individuals struggling with chronic or severe anxiety, depression, mood instability, or thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Group members meet together with a trained group facilitator to talk about what is troubling them and learn new skills for achieving mental health and wellness. Group members give feedback to one another by expressing their own feelings about what someone says or does.
The content of the group sessions is confidential; what group members share is not discussed outside of the group.
Why Is Group Therapy Effective?
When individuals join a group and interact freely with other group members, they often find that the difficulties they are experiencing in their lives and relationships are known to other group members as well.
Under the skilled direction of a group facilitator, the group is able to give support, offer alternative points of view, or gently confront the individual about problem behaviors. In this way, the difficulties are resolved, alternative behaviors are learned, and the individual develops new social skills or ways of relating to other people.
During group therapy, participants begin to see that they are not alone in their struggles and are encouraged to hear that other people have similar challenges. In the climate of trust provided by the group, participants feel free to care about and help each other.
A-IOT Group Format
The group will consist of 1 hour 30 minutes of therapy, a 20 minute break, 40 minutes of DBT skills training, and 30 minutes of therapy to close out each session.
The Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
As part of their treatment, all group members will create a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP).
The WRAP provides a structured system for monitoring uncomfortable and distressing symptoms that can help individuals reduce, modify or eliminate those symptoms using planned responses. This includes instructions for how they want others to respond when symptoms have made it impossible for them to continue to make decisions, take care of themselves, or keep themselves safe.
The WRAP is designed to:
- Decrease and prevent intrusive or troubling feelings and behaviors
- Increase personal empowerment
- Improve quality of life
- Assist individuals in achieving their own life goals and dreams
The first part of the WRAP consists of developing a personal Wellness Toolbox. This is a list of resources that will be used when creating the remainder of the WRAP. It might include items like contacting friends and supporters, peer counseling, focusing exercises, relaxation and stress reduction exercises, journaling, creative and affirming activities, exercise, diet, light exposure, and getting a good night's sleep.
The next section of the WRAP is the Daily Maintenance Plan. It includes three parts:
- A description of the individual when they are well
- The Wellness Tools the individual knows they must use every day to maintain their wellness
- A list of Wellness Tools the individual might need on any given day
The remaining sections of the WRAP involve identifying "Triggers", "Early Warning Signs", and "When Things are Breaking Down". The individual's treatment team will work with them to develop each component of their WRAP.
DBT Skills Training
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is the basis for skills training in the A-IOT group.
DBT skills developed will fall under 4 categories:
- Mindfulness
- Distress Tolerance
- Emotional Regulation
- Interpersonal Effectiveness
During group, each member will learn skills in each of these four categories and discuss how they can use them in the group as well as outside of the group. Many skills learned in the group will be added to their WRAP.