Cummins Behavioral Health Awarded CCBHC-IA Grant from SAMHSA, Extends CCBHC Services in Hendricks County Four Years
$4M Award Will Fund Continued Delivery and Improvement of CCBHC Services in Hendricks County
AVON, IN — The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has announced that it has awarded Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, Inc. with a four-year, $4M grant to continue providing CCBHC services in Hendricks County. This funding comes from SAMHSA’s Fiscal Year 2022 Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Improvement and Advancement Grants, which were also awarded to six other care centers in Indiana.
Cummins previously received a Community Behavioral Health Clinic Expansion Grant from SAMHSA in 2021, which enabled it to become a federally-designated CCBHC in Hendricks County. Funding from the CCBHC-IA grant will allow Cummins to continue providing CCBHC-specific services through 2026.
“Cummins is proud to announce it has been awarded a new SAMHSA grant to advance and improve its CCBHC operations for an additional four years,” said Amy Mace, CEO. “This grant will allow Cummins to expand and enhance the CCBHC services being provided to the Hendricks County community. These services include, but are not limited to, behavioral health care, substance use treatment, primary care, and 24/7 crisis services. We look forward to continuing our partnerships with schools, healthcare providers, criminal justice organizations, and others within our community.”
The purpose of the CCBHC-IA grant program is to improve access to community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment to anyone in the service area who needs it, regardless of their place of residence or ability to pay for services. This includes any individual with a serious mental illness (SMI), substance use disorder (SUD), children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED), individuals with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (COD), and individuals experiencing a mental health or substance use-related crisis.
“The CCBHC takes whole-person health care to a new level by ensuring that people with the most complex needs receive behavioral health, physical health and substance use disorder treatment, with professional supports to manage the complexity of their care,” said Robb Enlow, Chief Clinical Operations Officer (CCOO) at Cummins.
Although Cummins is currently providing the comprehensive range of services required for a CCBHC certification, it aims to further improve these services in the coming years. Goals include increasing equity of care for individuals belonging to underrepresented populations (racial, ethnic, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.), improving accessibility of services for non-English speaking and disabled individuals, increasing the diversity of our Consumer Advisory Board, and increasing the number of individuals enrolled in CCBHC services at Cummins.
“Once the project is completed, a resident from the community should be able to walk into our Avon location, and not only could they get a psych evaluation and psychiatric medication, but they could see a therapist, they could have a substance use session, they could do a group service, they could see our primary care physician, and if they’re in a crisis, they could interact with our crisis team,” said Megan McNeal, Cummins’ CCBHC Project Director. “The goal of the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic is to create a place in Hendricks County where you can go and get all of your needs met, and not have to worry about keeping track of a lot of extra things.”
Cummins Behavioral Health Systems, Inc. is a community behavioral health center serving Marion, Hendricks, Boone, Montgomery and Putnam counties in Indiana. Our mission is to inspire the hope of recovery, to achieve excellence in all aspects of care, and to make the goals and aspirations of those we serve our highest priority. For more information about our services, please call (888) 714-1927 or feel free to browse our website.
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